How to Submit Expenses

Learn how to submit expense on the new accountabl app

Accountabl Migration: How to log-in

An existing customer's guide on how to log-in to the new accountabl system on the 2nd May

A New Era: Accountabl Migration Announcement

Accountabl Migration Announcement

Business credit card pros and cons

Seduced by business credit cards? There are better ways to manage your expenses, with greater control, more advanced features, and leaner integrations.

4 benefits of greener business

Sustainability helps your business, by making you more attractive to workers, increasing staff satisfaction, boosting profitability, future-proofing your organisation against legislative changes, and more. 

How to get your staff to use accountabl

You’ve found the platform with the power to change everything. It can eliminate reimbursements, simplify processes, reduce admin, and track the carbon footprint of purchases and journeys, while saving you some serious cash. But what if your staff don’t use it? 

Fear not, getting your employees onboard with accountabl is easier than you think.   

Accountabl was designed by experts in user experience for your whole team, not just finance workers and managers. Plus, there are simple and reproducible steps that you can follow to help your staff pick it up.  

Keep reading, and you’ll see.   

Make a plan 

Accountabl is incredibly easy to implement and roll out so getting going won’t take long. It only takes a few hours to get started. But it will take around one month to roll out accountabl so that your staff use their expense cards.   

There are a few things you need to plan out, but it’s nothing that you can’t handle.


  1. Identify employee pain points
  2. List the benefits 
  3. Give your staff a heads-up
  4. Use accountabl
  5. Demonstrate the benefit
  6. Set a deadline


Identify employee pain points  

Like us all, employees want to be worry free and for things to run smoothly. Understanding what bothers them, and what they want will allow you to tailor your approach to getting them onboard. Talk to employees and put yourself in their shoes. 

Staff don’t want to be out-of-pocket and wait for reimbursement. And they don’t want to store receipts and remember to fill out expense forms on top of all their other work. 

Having to dip into their own pockets or begging to use the company credit card, can make them feel like you don’t trust them. 

And traditional expense management can result in policy misunderstandings and reimbursement disputes. Putting a wedge between them, their managers, and the finance team. 

List the benefits    

Once you’ve identified what bothers your staff, you can start to map out how accountabl will benefit your team and do it in a way that resonates with them. Make a list of their issues and note how accountabl can help. 

For example, many workers worry about being out-of-pocket. Accountabl eliminates this problem. They will be able to buy everything they need without fear. Plus, they’ll be far less likely to have a spending dispute with their manager or the finance team because the cards have built-in limits. 

Give your staff a heads-up 

It’s a good idea to give your team a heads-up with an email or chat, explaining that the company is changing its expense management system. You should describe what accountabl is and why the change is happening, noting that using accountabl will benefit everyone and empower the team to make greener decisions.   

Check out our ultimate expense management guide for ideas. 

Use accountabl

If you’re going to ask your staff to use a new system, you’ll need to know how it works. As part of the onboarding process, you’ll receive a demo and some live training. Afterwards, you’ll be supported to order your cards and configure your user accounts. 

Once you’re all set up, put accountabl to the test by making a purchase and registering it in the portal. That way you can support your team to use their cards later.  

Accountabl is straightforward to use, so it shouldn’t take you long. But if you get stuck, we’re here to help. Don’t hesitate to contact our friendly customer service team at   

Demonstrate the benefits

It’s time to put what you’ve learned into action. Arrange a meeting and clearly explain what accountabl is and how it will benefit your team. You might want to quote some of the issues they mentioned earlier to demonstrate that you listen.

Then show them what the system looks like and how it works. Remember to detail the process of using the card, photographing the receipt, and registering your expense step-by-step. Perhaps, you can show them one you registered earlier, and note how the app calculated the carbon footprint of your purchase.  

You’ll also want to show them where they can track their journeys and mileage in the app. 

Afterwards, hand out the cards and have your staff download the accountabl app. They can then activate their cards and start using it themselves. 

Set a deadline  

Setting a deadline will help to motivate everyone to get up to speed with the new system. It also provides a timeline, where you can support workers and address any issues they are having. 

Reach out to your team, before the transition deadline so they have an opportunity to voice their concerns and deal with any problems. Remember, we’re more than happy to assist you and your staff so don’t hesitate to reach out. 

Next steps 

Many businesses, big and small, worry about take-up. Before finding it incredibly easy and wondering what all the fuss was about.

Accountabl is not difficult to use, and uncomplicated processes are easier to pick up. So, providing you put some initial effort into getting your team onboard they will be using it quite quickly. And your company and staff will benefit. 

See for yourself and try accountabl for free with our 30-day trial

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Transform your finances and empower your workers with the business expense software that tracks carbon.

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